Street Vendors : New Problem in Tembalang

Semarang was a great city. Like other big cities, semarang has many problems. It is certainly a reasonable that found in major cities.The problem, like a traffic jams, floods, lack of space, urbanization, slum areas, etc.  However , there a problem involving two sector at once , namely the problem of street vendors .The problems these vendors involving economic sectors and social sector . Economic sectors because it is a problem caused by the state of the economy because of the bad . As well as social sector , because they cause many disorders suffered by the community. Street vendors are still and kept growing, because there are many consumers who buy and use of goods and services from them.In this paper will be discussed tembalang street vendors in the area.
Street vendors ( the informal sector ) are those who trade of conducting business activities individuals or groups which in places run its business using public facilities , such as sidewalk , public roads , etc . Street vendors is traders having its business activities in the near term particular by using the means or equipment that are easily moved, demolished tide comes in and use the land public facilities as business places.
The characteristics of vendors are :
1.      Business activities not organized well
2.      don't have a business license
3.      irregular in business activities, both in terms of place of business or work hours
4.      Huddle on sidewalks, or on the edges of the path of the Protocol, in the centers where a lot of people.
5.      Peddling goods while yelling, sometimes ran close to the consumer
The presence of street vendors in urban areas including tembalang. Of course, due to several factors they are as follows:
1.      The number of unemployment
Unemployment due to the lack of jobs and land is still the difficulty of having a job especially in the regions tembalang . Because the number of people who are jobless , they chose to do work instantly .Namely by being street vendors . Due to being street vendors not requiring special skill and can gain an advantage just like workers in general .
2.      The economic crisis
The economic crisis that hit indonesia to cause the number of businessmen who close their businesses because they were not enough to production costs and other operational costs .It is forcing businessmen to close their businesses and dismiss the workers .The workers who dismissed this is finally become a vendors because of limited that they have expertise .

3.      A very rapid city population growth
The good is a thriving city very quickly , but if the city could not handle the problem of the occupation of a very rapid growth also will result in the number of people unemployed and eventually became vendors .

Street vendors could arise anywhere , including at the education center tembalang as in , although tembalang are the areas that are quite far from the city center , however tembalang into land suitable for use selling because crowded students tembalang in the region . For example in front of campus polinnes .Vendors in front of polines is one example of the development of street vendors who was so advanced .Many vendors in the area certainly trigger various other problems .However , the vendors in the area very closely related with consumers who most of the students. We definitely cannot blame street vendors .Traders are just people trying to to forward and meet the needs of their lives .On the contrary , we should see consumers who are mostly of educated people .They are supposed to know that actions that they do is illegal .

The vendors will impact big for community life tembalang. Positive impact, street vendors in an uncertain manner can absorb jobs, from the many unemployed were.Their educational this trying to get creative, with own capital nor without capital. The government has introduced to the life of vendors , fostered , arranged , do not pursued by not be turned off , because they have also donated contributed in developing employment .The vendors is also facilitate the consumer to buy various kinds of needs , for example food , drink , stationery , an instrument of the office , etc .The price offered is is quite cheap , this is what makes vendors always visited by the consumers .

The negatives, street vendors are ignoring of order, security, clean and the noise, where there are street vendors, over there, there ' s chaos noisy and a lot of trash. With enforcement continuous discipline , briefing that are to be instructive from the government , will be able to fix problems street vendors .Clear the street vendors , it never runs out everywhere they were , for those who dwell increases , discharged the now , will appear again the next . They of conducting business activities in order to meet the demands of life .

In conclusion , street vendors persists and continue to grow , because many consumers who want to buy and use of goods and services from them .There should have been the cooperation of all the elements which is from the customers , the governments and street vendors . Consumers should be aware and be more selective in buy their needs .As well as the government should can facilitate , build and maintain traders to controlled well .It is to create a safe environment , comfortable , and worthy of for their citizens .
Sources :
Unkonwn. 2012. “Pemerintah Sering Jadi Penyebab Menjamurnya Pedagang Kaki Lima” in
Penyebab-Menjamurnya-Pedagang-Kaki-Lima-. Downloaded on 27 January


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