Major Problems of Serang City

Serang city , who was in Banten province , Indonesia. As the provincial capital , his presence is a logical consequence of the existence of Banten province. The city is located towards the north of Banten province. Before Banten province was formed in 2000 Serang was part of West Java province. Serang has a tropical rainforest climate, with no dry season month. Serang was reported as having a population of 576,961 in the 2010 census, making it the third most populous city in the province of Banten. The latest official population estimate (for January 2014) is 643,101. Serang is located approximately 15 km from the border of Jabodetabek. Although Serang city is a new city and is still thriving , but this city cannot avoid of all the existing problems in big cities in general. Serang city there are now either in handling administration system population , regional health insurance , and a means of education and infrastructure .But it was a range of issues in the city of Serang still not been handled well . The problems until now is still not been handled namely traffic jam, loss of public space and floods. Then it was in the city development Serang we need of cooperation between elements of society to advance Serang city. In this paper, I will describe about three major problems in Serang city.

The first problem is traffic jam. The number of vehicles as a result of economic growth and increasing income of , bringing  implication for Serang City.The problem of traffic congestion is a problem which not easily solved by Serang city government .The limited areas to expand the road network , is the biggest obstacles so that the addition of roads by the government no can offset the rising population .Consequently the problem of traffic congestion is increasingly being complicated .The problem increasingly complicated , when the government is unable to provide public transportation and sufficient mass town , so that people are more comfortable using private vehicles and finally make the problem of congestion is the more difficult to resolve .Serang city government are still trying to solve the problem of congestion this with various kinds of policy . However , the rate of population growth too quickly the more difficult for the problem of congestion .

The second problem is Loss of public space. In practice different interests and functions of urban areas often have to cost the function of other cities .The city as a central economic growth of course need land for the development of the expansion the interests of .Of the problem , space and urban areas it stays , so as to the economic interests of the regulation should be using space areas function other cities .Which often sacrificed is public spaces . That is the problem experienced by Serang city .Instrumentalities public as sports facilities , and education services and also playground must be forced to set aside to the support for a means of supporting the economy .Of eviction a means of the public of course many injurious the Serang towns people . A lot of residents Serang city who lost their chance to express themselves .Lived near the environment and a bounded space , the absence of a means of expressing our expresion , make the serious social impact , for example a rumble between students . It happens because of the lack of a place for students to express themselves. finally they may replace it with violent action and anarchy . The economic actors tend to invest in areas which have been having inhabitant of high concentration as well as having facilities and infrastructure that complete .Because thus they can save some of the various costs , among other distribution costs of goods and services .On the contrary , the population will tend to come to the center of the economic activities because in place is why they will be more young received the opportunity to get work . However space provision public it is no less important to do with development of the city and the development of community life in Serang city.

And the third problem is flood. Flood is the thing that happens very often in Serang city .Especially during the rainy season .This occurs because the rivers that overflowed because no longer able to accommodate the volume of river water .Of course this is not regardless of behavior Serang city people  who not aware of the danger of flooding .Certainly this is a priority for the Serang city  government to resolved .Because flood very gave impacts on the whole sector of Serang city life including economic activities. Many efforts have been done by city Serang government  to handle flood is by making canal flood, the dredging rivers, the wall, etc. The flood problem is even not only city problems , But has become a problem province , because the city of Serang is the provincial capital . So if flooding occurs , all the activities the province would be obstructed.

In conclusion, the problems until now is still not been handled by Serang city government namely traffic jam, loss of public space and floods. There should have been apparent effort from the government and support of many urban to solve all these problems together . All the citizen  is waiting for the government policy that is expected to be able to solve the problem , but all citizen must also to intervene directly in the implementation  , maintenance , and evaluation of the wisdom .This is done to the creation of Serang city safe , comfortable and worthy to all residents .


Unknown. 2014. “Serang City”, in . Downloaded on 27 January 2015

H Bobby. 2012. “Potret permasalahan kota serang”, in Downloaded on 27 January 2015


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